The front gates open at 08:00 and close at 11:00.
They are only open for vehicles to exit the venue.
If you are picking anyone up they can meet you in the Woodyard Cafe Car Park on the bend opposite the castle.
All visitors must be off site by 11:00 (a.m)

The caterers will be open and serving breakfasts and hot drinks only.
Please note all trade stands, attractions and race/riding tracks will be closed.

Volunteers Required!
Are you able to help with the clean up and are aged 18 or over?
-Clearing courses of poles and tape?
-Litter picking?
-Stacking crowd barriers?
-Taking down banners and signage?
If so pop on over to Event HQ in the main arena and join the Malverns Team! We would be so very, very grateful. Even if you can only do one hour, all help is massively appreciated.

We really hope you had a great time with your family and friends.
Thankyou for your attendance and custom, both gratefully appreciated.
Please drive safe and we look forward to seeing you all next year, same venue and again August Bank Holiday weekend.
Thursday to Monday, the 21st - 25th of August 2025.

1/2 price entry for you, your family and friends when you present your Malverns Classic Wristband.
The Castle and Carpark are literally just over the road from the festival site with plenty of parking, even with your caravan!
More info here: https://eastnorcastle.com